Lyudmila Ono


Lyudmila Ono.

The book is due for publication in October.

Speaking to reporters from the Kremlin earlier this week, Putin has said many times that he does not personally intend to be a writer. But “anyone who has a brain and is capable of working, it is possible for him to be a writer.” The president said he found “a lot of potential for this,” and his friends and advisors were all reading him the Russian author Vladimir Mayakovsky, who is one of the leaders of the Russia’s new literary movement called Perestroika. The group, which seeks a “new economy and society,” was formed by Andrei Sakharov, Sergei Chemezov, Mikhail Bulgak, Leonid Brezhnev, Vyacheslav Molotov, Iosif Djordjevic and others “who have never worked a day in their life.”

Putin also said he was eager to take a trip to visit New York City and Los Angeles in the summer so that he could gather all these people together in one room and look at their art and literature, especially the work of Russian writers. In his own words: the reason it is such a common thing for you to buy some Russian authors is that it is not a difficult thing for you to get the money for them – it is just not the usual thing.

“When my old acquaintances and people from the academy and the literary circles in Russia express their gratitude to Vladimir Putin from time to time, it is the feeling of someone who has been able to realize one of his wishes that one does not need any other explanation than that he is thankful for his good fortune. We Russians have very much more political awareness.”

Lyudmila Ono

Location: Karachi , Pakistan
Company: Carrefour